Modern Phishing Attacks: Insights from the Egress Phishing Threat Trends Report


Phishing attacks have long been a significant threat in the cybersecurity landscape, but as technology evolves, so do the tactics employed by cybercriminals. The latest insights from the Egress Phishing Threat Trends Report shed light on the sophistication and evolution of these attacks, offering valuable insights into the current threat landscape. 

One notable trend highlighted in the report is the proliferation of QR code payloads in phishing emails. While QR code payloads were relatively rare in previous years, they have seen a significant increase, accounting for 12.4% of attacks in 2023 and remaining at 10.8% in 2024. This shift underscores the adaptability of cybercriminals and their ability to leverage emerging technologies to perpetrate attacks. 
In addition to QR code payloads, social engineering tactics have also become increasingly prevalent in phishing attacks. These tactics, which involve manipulating individuals into divulging sensitive information, now represent 19% of phishing attacks. 
Moreover, phishing emails have become over three times longer since 2021, likely due to the use of generative AI to craft more convincing messages.

Multi-channel attacks have also emerged as a prominent threat, with platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack being utilized as the second step in these attacks. Microsoft Teams, in particular, has experienced a significant increase in usage, with a 104.4%

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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