Microweber Creators Patched XSS Flaw in CMS Software

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Microweber, an open-source website builder and content management system, has a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability, according to security researchers. 
The security flaw, identified as CVE-2022-0930 by researchers James Yeung and Bozhidar Slaveykov, was patched in Microweber version 1.2.12. The issue developed as a result of flaws in older versions of Microweber’s content filtering protections. 
Because of these flaws, attackers could upload an XSS payload as long as it contained a file ending in ‘html’ — a category that encompasses far more than simply plain.html files. Once this payload is uploaded, a URL with malicious HTML can be viewed and malicious JavaScript performed. 
An attacker could steal cookies before impersonating a victim, potentially the administrator of a compromised system, by controlling a script that runs in the victim’s browser. A technical blog article by Yeung and Slaveykov, which includes a proof-of-concept exploit, gives additional detail about the assault. Microweber was asked to comment on the researchers’ findings via a message sent through a webform on The Daily Swig’s website. Microweber responded by confirming that the “issue is already fixed.” 
When asked how they found Microweber as a target, Yeung told The Daily Swig, “I came across huntr.dev and found other researchers had fou

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