Metador APT is Lurking ISPs and Telecom Entities

Researchers at SentinelLabs have discovered a threat actor identified as Metador which primarily targets universities, ISPs, and telecommunications in various Middle Eastern and African nations.
SentintelLabs researchers dubbed the organization Metador after the phrase ‘I am meta’ that exists in the malicious code as well as the fact that the server messages are often in Spanish. As per the findings revealed at the first-ever LabsCon security conference, the group is thought to have started operating in December 2020, but throughout the past few years, it has managed to remain undetected. 
SentinelLabs senior director Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade claimed that despite sharing information on Metador with experts at other security companies and government partners, no one was aware of the group.
SentinelLabs researchers found Metador in a Middle Eastern telecommunications business that had been hacked by roughly ten threat actors, including Moshen Dragon and MuddyWater, who all hail from China and Iran. Metador’s goal appears to be long-term espionage inventiveness. 
Two Windows malware systems as well as signs of a third Linux implant were found by. Along with two incredibly complex Windows-based viruses  “metaMain” and “Mafalda,” that the gang uses – there are

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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