Measuring Security Risks in Open Source Software: Scorecards Launches V2

This article has been indexed from Google Online Security Blog

Contributors to the Scorecards project, an automated security tool that produces a “risk score” for open source projects, have accomplished a lot since our launch last fall. Today, in collaboration with the Open Source Security Foundation community, we are announcing Scorecards v2. We have added new security checks, scaled up the number of projects being scored, and made this data easily accessible for analysis.

With so much software today relying on open-source projects, consumers need an easy way to judge whether their dependencies are safe. Scorecards helps reduce the toil and manual effort required to continually evaluate changing packages when maintaining a project’s supply chain. Consumers can automatically assess the risks that dependencies introduce and use this data to make informed decisions about accepting these risks, evaluating alternative solutions, or working with the maintainers to make improvements.

Identifying Risks

Since last fall, Scorecards’ coverage has grown; we’ve added several new checks, following the Know, Prevent, Fix framework proposed by Google earlier this year, to prioritize our additions:

Malicious contributors

Contributors with malicious intent or compromised accounts can introduce potential backdoors into code. Code reviews help mitigate against such attacks. With the new Branch-Protection check, developers can verify that the project enforces mandatory code review from another developer before code is committed. Currently, this check can only be run by a repository admin due to GitHub API limitations. For a third-party repository, use the less informative Code-Review check instead.


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