Massive Cyber Attack on MoD Raises Job Concerns for Army Staff


There is a growing concern among soldiers in the armed forces that their information has been hacked, which may have led to a cyber attack on the Ministry of Defence. According to a law firm, these soldiers fear losing their jobs and feel let down. The large-scale hack which was revealed earlier this month exposed personal information of service members and veterans that was contained in the payroll system that was accessed. 
More than 1,000 potential claimants are believed to have signed up with Barings Law. There is a lot of anxiety and confusion for people who may have been affected by this data breach at the Manchester-based law firm. Adnan Malik, head of data breach at the firm, said: “It is unclear what the extent of the data breach is.

There are currently hundreds of inquiries being received by the Ministry of Defence every day following a major cyber attack that has taken place recently. 

In addition to serving and retired members of the armed forces who feel betrayed, individuals with high-security clearances who are now terrified of losing their jobs have also reached out. Despite their deep concern about the security of their livelihoods, these personnel remain uncertain about how much of their personal information has been compromised and shared online and are still concerned about their safety. 
The current situation has prompted me to remind myse

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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