LockBit Attacks Oakland with Ransomware Twice in as Many Weeks


Following a ransomware attack on LockBit’s network last month that caused information from its network to be leaked, the city of Oakland in the state of California has been uploaded to the dark web victim blog. In order to avoid further information from the city being released, the gang has given Oakland’s city council until April 10 to begin negotiations. 

The tax office and several non-emergency phone lines are among the essential services that have been impacted by a network outage, according to a notification on the city services website, which is still accessible. 

Earlier today, LockBit published the city on its blog. It also includes a brief history of the city and states that “all available data shall be shared.” The cutoff date looks to be April 10. 

Second ransomware attack in Oakland in recent weeks 

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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