Legacy Windows OSes Fall Prey to Rapid Online Attacks


In 2014, Windows XP was officially retired, marking the end of a decade that has seen it occupy our desktops for more than a decade. The beloved OS was given one last security update in 2019, but for all intents and purposes, Jim, it is no longer around. Nevertheless, some are still using the software, including the US State Department, according to the General Accounting Office (GAO) of the federal government. 
In light of that, a curious YouTuber decided to check if a computer connected to the internet would get infected after a short period. There is an answer to this question in about 10 minutes. In a recent YouTube video, YouTuber Eric Parker demonstrated the danger of connecting classic Windows operating systems to the internet in 2024 without using any security measures (including firewalls and routers) to prevent viruses from spreading. 
As a result of setting up a virtual machine of Windows XP with a completely unsecured internet connection, the YouTuber was able to notice several viruses attacking the OS almost immediately. Getting your PC connected to the Internet without using any security might seem silly, but back in the early 2000s, catching a PC connected directly to the Internet without a router was very common. 
However, Windows XP indeed came with a built-in firewall and most people used anti-virus software as well. Even so, it was much easier to run a PC

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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