KandyKorn: Apple MacOS Malware Targets Blockchain Engineers of Crypto Exchange Platform

A new malware linked to the North Korean threat group Lazarus was discovered on Apple’s macOS, and it appears that it was intended for the blockchain engineers of a crypto exchange platform. 

KandyKorn Malware 

According to a study conducted by Elastic Security Labs, the malware, dubbed as ‘KandyKorn’ is a sophisticated backdoor that could be used to steal data, directory listing, file upload/download, secure deletion, process termination, and command execution.

At first, the attackers used Discord channels to propagate Python-based modules by pretending to be active members of the community.

Apparently, the social engineering attacks pose as an arbitrage bot intended to generate automatic profits by coercing its members into downloading a malicious ZIP archive called “Cross=platform Bridges.zip.” However, there are 13 malicious modules that are being imported by the file to work together in order to steal and alter the stolen information. 

The report reads, “We observed the threat actor adopting a technique we have not previously seen them use to achieve persistence on macOS, known as execution flow hijacking.”

Users of Unibot were notified by blockchain analytics company Scopescan about an ongoing hack, which was subsequently verified by an official source:

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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