Journalists: stop selling NFTs that you don’t understand

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Errata Security

The reason you don’t really understand NFTs is because the journalists describing them to you don’t understand them, either. We can see that when they attempt to sell an NFT as part of their stories (e.g. AP and NYTimes). They get important details wrong.

The latest is magazine selling an NFT. As libertarians, you’d think at least they’d get the technical details right. But they didn’t. Instead of selling an NFT of the artwork, it’s just an NFT of a URL. The URL points to OpenSea, which is known to remove artwork from its site (such as in response to DMCA takedown requests).

If you buy that NFT, what you’ll actually get is a token pointing to:

This is just the metadata, which in turn contains a link to the claimed artwork:

If either OpenSea or Google removes the linked content, then any connection between the NFT and the artwork disappears.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The correct way to do NFT artwork is to point to a “hash” instead which uniquely identifies the work regardless of where it’s located. That $69 million Beeple piece was done this correct way. It’s completely decentralized. If the entire Internet disappeared except for the Ethereum blockchain, that Beeple NFT would still work.

This is an analogy for the entire blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Dapp ecosystem: the hype you hear ignores technical details. They promise an entirely decentralized economy controlled by math and code, rather than any human entities. In practice, almost everyth

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