IT Security Tips for Your eCommerce Platform

Any time information is being exchanged online it falls within the science of Information Technology, IT. Therefore, eCommerce is one of the platforms that fall directly within the scope of IT which is why this is where you should turn if you are concerned about security for your eCommerce site. Having said that, there are a few security tips you should follow if you want to protect the financial wellbeing of your business as well as the customers who place their trust in you.

Add That Extra Layer of Security to Your Website

It is always recommended that you add that extra layer of security to your website by installing a Secure Socket Layer, SSL. This is the difference between an HTTP site and an HTTPS website. Since consumers are regularly advised not to conduct financial transactions on a site without that extra layer of encryption, an HTTPS eCommerce site is a must.

Advanced Technology in Payment Providers

Merchants are also advised to choose their payment processing providers very carefully and the cost isn’t really high on the list. It is vital that you use a provider that has invested in the latest advances in security, but your efforts can’t stop there. If you aren’t already accepting cryptocurrencies as a choice in payments, you might want to consider doing so now.

Crypto, which is built on blockchain technology, is as secure as it gets. However, since it is a newer technology, many people aren’t aware of exactly what crypto equates to in relation to their fiat. A simple calculator found on can resolve that issue. While it’s good to know how much crypto is worth, it’s better to know that cryptocurrency transactions online are safe and secure.

Be Extremely Selective in Hosting Providers

Did you know that in 2021 roughly 43% of small businesses with an online presence were the victims of cyber-attacks? Even though you have invested in the latest security software and have installed that Secure Sockets Layer, a secure web hosting platform can add even another layer of defense against cyber-attacks. Not only is your business’s financial information at risk but so too is every consumer that makes a financial transaction with you. That extra layer of security provided by your web hosting service can make the difference between major losses and safe transactions.

Use Multilayer Authentication

There is one more thing you can do with today’s advanced levels of digital security. By requiring multilayer authentication when your customers log onto your site, you can be assured that they are truly who they say they are. You see this in action every time you log onto PayPal, for example. You are asked to click on the pictures displaying images they ask for. Usually it’s things like bicycles, chimneys, taxis, crosswalks and the like. In fact, sometimes you are given two or more security challenges, so this is how you know that no one else is accessing your financial data on PayPal.

These are just a few of the ways to ensure IT security as an eCommerce merchant. Remember, the safer you keep your site, the safer your customers’ financial and personal information will be and that also works to ensure repeat business. This is how you grow a strong business, and you can thank IT security for that.