IoT Security: A Major Concern for Businesses Worldwide


As technology continues to evolve and more industries across the globe become connected, understanding the security challenges linked with the industrial internet of things (IoT) deployments is increasingly important. 

Businesses planning to roll out a manufacturing or industrial IoT initiative, or link existing technology for automated and remote monitoring or access, will need to consider all of the potential threats and attack vectors linked with those decisions. The most common security challenges with industrial IoT security are as follows: 

Security Breach Via Old Systems 

The surge in the volume of IoT apps has made it easier for malicious hackers to identify vulnerabilities to infiltrate organizational data. The operation of multiple IoT devices through the same internet connection makes it easier for attackers to exploit them as a point of illegal access to other resources. This lack of network segmentation can be devastating, as one successful assault on an IoT device can open the door to attackers to siphon sensitiv

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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