Introducing VT Alerts

This article has been indexed from VirusTotal Blog

 360-degrees insights into your assets

Many VirusTotal’s users deploy rules to monitor that their assets, including domains, IP ranges and intellectual property are not being abused by any attacker. Today we are proud to introduce VT Alerts, a solution designed to help detect any abuse in (almost) real time.

Before going into more details, we invite you to join us next September 28th at 17:00 CEST for our VT Alerts webinar if you want to know everything about it.

What is VT Alerts?

VT Alerts is designed to provide a feed-like experience providing different severity notifications on anything we detected in VirusTotal that matches your infrastructure and intellectual property. It offers you an easy way to create watchlists where you can include all the network-related assets of your company, as well as terms related to your brands and intellectual property. 

VT Alerts will take it from here, automatically monitoring anything new we detect in VirusTotal matching this criteria and providing you with alerts on anything suspicious we find in the VirusTotal ecosystem. 

Introducing VT Alerts