Innovative Legal Move Restores Hospital’s Stolen Information


There has been a handover of patient data stolen by the notorious LockBit gang from a cloud computing company to a New York hospital alliance that is partnered with that company. There was a lawsuit filed by the North Star Health Alliance – a group of hospitals – in November in the hopes of forcing LockBit to return the patient data cybercriminals had stolen from the hospitals and kept on the Massachusetts vendor’s servers. 
The lawsuit was filed by North Star Health Alliance in November as a legal manoeuvre to force LockBit to return the patient data. There has been a lawsuit filed against unknown members of the LockBit group by a healthcare alliance of two hospitals and an orthopaedic group in upstate New York. 
However, the suit is a legal move designed to make a Massachusetts-based cloud services vendor turn over patient data stolen from hospitals and allegedly stored on the cloud service vendor’s servers to force the gang to hand over the data.

It is said by David Hoffman, general counsel of Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center, which recently filed a lawsuit against ransomware gang LockBit, that the ubiquity and anonymity of cryptocurrencies are driving economic, legal, and ethical challenges that place healthcare organizations at risk from cybercriminals. 

Despite their claims, the lawsuit asserts that the defendants “conspired to commit complex cybercrime and move stolen goods ar

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