How API Security is Emerging as a Potential Threat to Data-Driven Enterprises

Application programming interfaces play a big role in data-driven enterprises since they rely largely on their software application architecture. APIs have led to a sea change in the way we use web applications as they act as a communication pipeline between numerous services. Using APIs, developers can incorporate any contemporary technology into their architecture, which is quite helpful for including functionality that a consumer needs. 

APIs, by nature, are at risk of getting the application logic or sensitive data exposed, such as personally identifiable information (PII). Since APIs are generally accessible over public networks, they are often well-documented and can easily be manipulated and reverse-engineered by a threat actor. Additionally, they are susceptible to DDoS attacks. 

Since most significant data leaks happen as a result of defective, vulnerable, or hacked APIs, exposing data like medical, financial, or personal information, it is crucial to ensure the security of APIs. Additionally, if an API is not properly secured, it could result in numerous cyberattacks, making API security essential for today’s data-driven enterprises. 

Critical API vulnerabilities and attacks 

In recent times, APIs have emerged as a preferred method for establishing more advanced applications, significantly for mobile devices and the internet of things (IoT). however, some businesses still need to fully understand the possibl

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