Here’s Why the World is Investing So Much in Semiconductors


Hannah Mullane, a BBC correspondent, recently visited Pragmatic Semiconductor, the UK’s newest computer chip facility in Durham. Formerly a ceramic pipe factory, from the outside it looks like a large warehouse.

However, the large site is being turned into a sophisticated computer chip production hub. Pragmatic Semiconductor has already developed one production line, commonly known as a fabrication line or fab line. 

Enclosed within a spacious chamber, the manufacturing line is equipped with all the costly tools required to manufacture computer chips, and the air quality is constantly regulated to prevent any contamination while the manufacturing process is underway.

Pragmatic has the funds to create another such production line, and investment of £182 ($230 million) announced late this year will go into production lines 3 and 4. 

In addition to private investors, Pragmatic secured funding from British Patient Capital, a

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