Has Cyber Risk Increased Due to the Rapid Rise in Telehealth Use?

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The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly increased the importance of telehealth in our day to day lives. The Digital Health care system has made it possible for healthcare providers to see 50 times more patients than before. Telehealth can now successfully deliver emergency ward visits, office visits, and outpatient volume. Patients, as well as providers, benefit hugely from it. Apart from increasing the efficiency of the healthcare system, it also brings the cost down. Since every benefit has a downside, the drawback to telehealth is the cyber risk. Telehealth comes with security and privacy risks, which the technocrats are trying to eliminate.

The Increasing Vulnerability

Healthcare facilities are more than eager to deliver the services of medicine through telehealth. Still, several platforms do not have appropriate data safeguards to keep sensitive data of the patients safe. Connectivity, which makes telehealth possible, is also responsible for the security risks to patients’ data. Delivering remote services and protecting the patient’s health information don’t go hand in hand.

Read the original article: Has Cyber Risk Increased Due to the Rapid Rise in Telehealth Use?