Hackers in Dprk use Trojanized DeFi Wallet App to Steal Bitcoin

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CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents


North Korean government-linked hackers have now been circulating a trojanized version of a DeFi Wallet for holding bitcoin assets to obtain access to cryptocurrency users’ and investors’ systems.
Securing economic benefits is one of the primary motives for the Lazarus threat actor, with a focus on the cryptocurrency industry. The Lazarus group’s targeting of the financial industry is increasing as the price of cryptocurrencies rises and the appeal of the non-fungible asset (NFT) and decentralized finance (DeFi) enterprises grows.
In this attack, the threat actor used web servers in South Korea to distribute malware and communicate with the implants that had been placed. Kaspersky Lab researchers recently identified a malicious version of the DeFi Wallet software that installed both the legal app and a backdoor disguised as a Google Chrome web browser executable. When the trojanized DeFi application was launched on the machine, it introduced a full-featured backdoor with a compilation date of November 2021. It’s unknown how the hackers spread the word, but phishing emails or contacting victims through social media are both possibilities. 
Although it’s not clear how the threat actor persuaded the victim to run the Trojanized program (0b9f4612cdfe763b3d8c8a956157474a), it is believed they used a spear-phishing email or social media to contact the victim. The Trojanized application initiates the previously unknown infection te

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