Google Issues Emergency Update for New Chrome Vulnerability


Google has announced an urgent security update for its Chrome browser to fix a newly discovered vulnerability that is actively being exploited. This recent flaw, identified as CVE-2024-5274, is the eighth zero-day vulnerability that Google has patched in Chrome this year.

Details of the Vulnerability

The CVE-2024-5274 vulnerability, classified as high severity, involves a ‘type confusion’ error in Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. This type of error occurs when the software mistakenly treats a piece of data as a different type than it is, potentially leading to crashes, data corruption, or allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code. The vulnerability was discovered by Google security researcher Clément Lecigne.

Google has acknowledged that the flaw is being exploited in the wild, which means that malicious actors are already using it to target users. To protect against further attacks, Google has not yet disclosed detailed technical information about the flaw.

To address the issue, Google has released a fix that is being rolled out via the Chrome Stable channel. Users on Windows and Mac will receive the update in versions 125.0.6422.112/.113, while Linux users will get the update in version 125.0.6422.112. Chrome typically updates automatically, but users need to relaunch the browser for the updates to take effect. To ensure the update is installed, users can check their Chrome version in the About section of the Settings menu.

Ongoing Security

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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