From Dev to DevSec: How to transform developers into security rockstars [Webinar Sign-up]

Read the original article: From Dev to DevSec: How to transform developers into security rockstars [Webinar Sign-up]

Waterfall, Agile, DevOps… it seems that every few years, a new methodology is born for optimum software creation. While these processes all have their strengths and weaknesses, the streamlining and red tape they often bring can feel like a hindrance to a developer’s main goal of building great software.

So how do we shift secure thinking as far left as possible in the software lifecycle while making developers feel empowered and equipped enough to lead on security issues rather than feel burdened by them?  Join this webinar to learn tactical methods and programmes that can enable you to build a successful devsec strategy.

Read the original article: From Dev to DevSec: How to transform developers into security rockstars [Webinar Sign-up]