Four Factors to Consider When Hiring a Cybersecurity Firm

The risk of being hacked is real for every company that interfaces with the Internet. Proofing systems against hackers has been paramount at most high-profile organizations for a long time. However, even medium and small-sized organizations have become targets for black hat hackers.

While it would be ideal to have your cybersecurity taken care of internally, only giant corporations can handle the cost. Cybersecurity is a multifaceted discipline, and the demand is high for all specializations. This means talents in the field don’t come cheap.

The result of this is that most companies have to outsource their cybersecurity. However, outsourcing your organization’s security is like handing over the keys to the front door. There are a couple of things you must first confirm about the team:

Team Composition

As highlighted earlier, cybersecurity is multifaceted. You need to ensure that the team you’re hiring has people who can handle the primary roles you require.

Typically, a cybersecurity firm should have people with the following skills:

  • Intrusion detection
  • Malware analysis and reversing
  • Penetration analysis
  • Risk analysis and mitigation
  • Cloud security
  • Security analysis

These skills are critical to the success of any cybersecurity project. A good cybersecurity team should have the ability to protect you from external attack and carry out damage control in the case of a breach.

The Firm’s Track Record

A team’s past achievements are a pointer to what they can help you do. Most cybersecurity firms proudly display their previous clients on their websites as proof of their work. They often put up case studies that highlight their work process and job successes.

One thing to take note of is the consistency of their clients. Organizations rarely change their IT security consultants unless something has gone wrong. A low customer retention rate may be an indication that the firm’s services are below standard.

If the security firm is a new one, the track record of the lead engineers can provide some insight into how effective they are.

The Firm’s Tools

While you may not be privy to the internal workings of the firm you’re about to hire, the tools they use are a significant determinant of the kind of work they do.

A good number of cybersecurity firms have taken to creating their tools to help automate their work and run analytics for clients. Hiring a company renowned for its forensic tools is a great bet.

Industry Specialization

Due to the ever-evolving nature of industry-based technology, there may be a need to hire firms that specialize in protecting companies within your industry.

Although every industry is prone to being attacked by hackers, specific sectors like blockchain may require the services of an industry expert. Of course, if the organization you’re planning on hiring has such an expert in-house, you can go ahead with them.


Cybersecurity is an ongoing concern for a lot of companies. A single breach can cost your organization millions of dollars. If you’re hiring an organization to help out, you have to make sure that they check all four boxes.