Fixing Insecure Operational Technology That Threatens the Global Economy


Considering the widespread technology leading to cyberattacks, the demand for work to safeguard the systems and networks also increases. Many techniques have been developed for protecting bits and bytes of computer networks, yet no such method has been discovered for strengthening the physical framework which handles the world’s economy. 
In many countries, operational technology (OT) platforms have largely polluted traditional physical infrastructures as they have been able to computerize their entire physical infrastructure, whether it is buildings, bridges, trains, and cars, or the industrial equipment and assembly lines that work hard to generate an economy’s wealth. Even after so many updates in the tech world, if there is any cyberattack with new technology on things like planes or beds, it will be completely whimsy. There is a definite requirement to take proper care and actions to avoid destructive damage caused due to such attacks.  
Consider, for instance, a scenario in which our country’s northeast regions are left without heat in the middle of a brutal cold snap. This is the result of an attack on an energy plant. If such an attack was carried out, imagine the enormous amount of hardship that would be caused and even death – as homes would turn dark, businesses would lose customers, hospitals would have trouble operating, and airports would be shut down. 

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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