Excelerating Analysis – Tips and Tricks to Analyze Data with Microsoft Excel

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Incident response investigations don’t always involve standard
host-based artifacts with fully developed parsing and analysis tools.
At FireEye Mandiant, we frequently encounter incidents that involve a
number of systems and solutions that utilize custom logging or
artifact data. Determining what happened in an incident involves
taking a dive into whatever type of data we are presented with,
learning about it, and developing an efficient way to analyze the
important evidence.

One of the most effective tools to perform this type of analysis is
one that is in almost everyone’s toolkit: Microsoft Excel. In this
article we will detail some tips and tricks with Excel to perform
analysis when presented with any type of data.

Summarizing Verbose Artifacts

Tools such as FireEye
include handy timeline features to combine multiple
artifact types into one concise timeline. When we use individual
parsers or custom artifact formats, it may be tricky to view multiple
types of data in the same view. Normalizing artifact data with Excel
to a specific set of easy-to-use columns makes for a smooth
combination of different artifact types.

Consider trying to review parsed file system, event log, and
Registry data in the same view using the following data.

$SI Created

$SI Modified

File Name

File Path

File Size

File MD5

File Attributes

File Deleted

2019-10-14 23:13:04

2019-10-14 23:33:45







Event Gen Time

Event ID

Event Message

Event Category

Event User

Event System

2019-10-14 23:13:06


A logon was attempted using explicit

   Security ID: 
   Account Name: 
   Account Domain:  DomainCorp
Logon ID:  0x1b38fe
   Logon GUID: 
Account Whose
Credentials Were Used:
   Account Name: 
   Account Domain:  DomainCorp
GUID:  {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
   Target Server Name: DestinationServer
   Additional Information:
Process Information:
Process ID:  0x5ac
   Process Name:  C:\Program
Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
   Network Address: –





Key Path





2019-10-14 23:33:46

HKEY_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server





Since these raw artifact data sets have different column headings
and data types, they would be difficult to review in one timeline. If
we format the data using Excel string concatenation, we can make the
data easy to combine into a single timeline view. To format the data,
we can use the “&” operation with a function to join information
we may need into a “Summary” field.

An example command to join the relevant file system data delimited
by ampersands could be “=D2 & " | " & C2 &
" | " & E2 & " | " & F2 & " |
" & G2 & " | " & H2”. Combining this format
function with a “Timestamp” and “Timestamp Type” column will complete
everything we need for streamlined analysis.


Timestamp Type


2019-10-14 23:13:04

$SI Created

C:\Users\attacker\Documents\ |
Default.rdp | 485 | c482e563df19a401941c99888ac2f525  |
Archive | FALSE

2019-10-14 23:13:06

Event Gen Time

4648 | A logon was attempted using
explicit credentials.

ID:  DomainCorp\Administrator
   Account Name: 
   Account Domain:  DomainCorp
Logon ID:  0x1b38fe
   Logon GUID: 
Account Whose
Credentials Were Used:
   Account Name: 
   Account Domain:  DomainCorp
GUID:  {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
   Target Server Name: DestinationServer
   Additional Information:
Process Information:
Process ID:  0x5ac
   Process Name:  C:\Program
Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
   Network Address: –
   Port:   – |
Logon | Administrator | SourceSystem

2019-10-14 23:33:45

$SI Modified

C:\Users\attacker\Documents\ |
Default.rdp | 485 | c482e563df19a401941c99888ac2f525  |
Archive | FALSE

2019-10-14 23:33:46


HKEY_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server
Client\Servers\ | DestinationServer | UsernameHInt |

After sorting by timestamp, we can see evidence of the
“DomainCorp\Administrator” account connecting from “SourceSystem” to
“DestinationServer” with the “DomainCorp\VictimUser” account via RDP
across three artifact types.

Time Zone Conversions

One of the most critical elements of incident response and forensic
analysis is timelining. Temporal analysis will often turn up new
evidence by identifying events that precede or follow an event of
interest. Equally critical is producing an accurate timeline for
reporting. Timestamps and time zones can be frustrating, and things
can get confusing when the systems being analyzed span various time
zones. Mandiant tracks all timestamps in Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC)
format in its investigations to eliminate
any confusion of both time zones and time adjustments such as daylight
savings and regional summer seasons. 

Of course, various sources of evidence do not always log time the
same way. Some may be local time, some may be UTC, and as mentioned,
data from sources in various geographical locations complicates things
further. When compiling timelines, it is important to first know
whether the evidence source is logged in UTC or local time. If it is
logged in local time, we need to confirm which local time zone the
evidence source is from. Then we can use the Excel TIME()  formula to
convert timestamps to UTC as needed.

This example scenario is based on a real investigation where the
target organization was compromised via phishing email, and employee
direct deposit information was changed via an internal HR application.
In this situation, we have three log sources: email receipt logs,
application logins, and application web logs. 

The email logs are recorded in UTC and contain the following information:

The application logins are recorded in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
and contain the following:

The application web logs are also recorded in Eastern Daylight Time
(EDT) and contain the following:

To take this information and turn it into a master timeline, we can
use the CONCAT function (an alternative to the ampersand concatenation
used previously) to make a summary of the columns in one cell for each
log source, such as this example formula for the email receipt logs:

This is where checking our time zones for each data source is
critical. If we took the information as it is presented in the logs
and assumed the timestamps were all in the same time zone and created
a timeline of this information, it would look like this:

As it stands the previous screenshot, we have some login events to
the HR application, which may look like normal activity for the
employees. Then later in the day, they receive some suspicious emails.
If this were hundreds of lines of log events, we would risk the login
and web log events being overlooked as the time of activity precedes
our suspected initial compromise vector by a few hours. If this were a
timeline used for reporting, it would also be inaccurate.

When we know which time zone our log sources are in, we can adjust
the timestamps accordingly to reflect UTC. In this case, we confirmed
through testing that the application logins and web logs are recorded
in EDT, which is four hours behind UTC, or “UTC-4”. To change these to
UTC time, we just need to add four hours to the time. The Excel TIME
function makes this easy. We can just add a column to the existing
tables, and in the first cell we type “=A2+TIME(4,0,0)”. Breaking this down:

  • =A2
    • Reference cell A2 (in this case our EDT
      timestamp). Note this is not an absolute reference, so we can
      use this formula for the rest of the rows.
  • +TIME
    • This tells Excel to take the value of the data
      in cell A2 as a “time” value type and add the following amount
      of time to it:
  • (4,0,0)
    • The TIME
      function in this instance requires three values, which are, from
      left to right: hours, minutes, seconds. In this example, we are
      adding 4 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.

Now we have a formula that takes the EDT timestamp and adds four
hours to it to make it UTC. Then we can replicate this formula for the
rest of the table. The end result looks like this:

When we have all of our logs in the same time zone, we are ready to
compile our master timeline. Taking the UTC timestamps and the summary
events we made, our new, accurate timeline looks like this:

Now we can clearly see suspicious emails sent to (fictional)
employees Austin and Dave. A few minutes later, Austin’s account logs
into the HR application and adds a new bank account. After this, we
see the same email sent to Jake. Soon after this, Jake’s account logs
into the HR application and adds the same bank account information as
Austin’s. Converting all our data sources to the same time zone with
Excel allowed us to quickly link these events together and easily
identify what the attacker did. Additionally, it provided us with more
indicators, such as the known-bad bank account number to search for in
the rest of the logs.

Pro Tip: Be sure to account for log data spanning over changes in
UTC offset due to regional events such as daylight savings or summer
seasons. For example, local time zone adjustments will need to change
for logs in United States Eastern Time from Virginia, USA from
+TIME(5,0,0) to +TIME(4,0,0) the first weekend in March every year and
back from +TIME(4,0,0) to +TIME(5,0,0) the first weekend in November
to account for
daylight and standard shifts

CountIf for Log Baselining

When reviewing logs that record authentication in the form of a user
account and timestamp, we can use COUNTIF to establish simple
baselines to identify those user accounts with inconsistent activity.  

In the example of user logons that follows, we’ll use the formula
"=COUNTIF($B$2:$B$25,B2)" to establish a historical
baseline. Here is a breakdown of the parameters for this COUNTIF
formula located in C2 in our example: