EUCC Receives First EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme

This article has been indexed from Softpedia News / Security

The EUCC was the first cybersecurity certification scheme application received by European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) under the Cybersecurity Act in July 2019, according to Helpnet Security. 

This scheme is intended to be a replacement for the existing SOGIS MRA-based schemes (Senior Officials Group Information Systems Security Mutual Recognition Agreement).  It covers the certification of ICT products using Common Criteria ISO/IEC 15408 and serves as the basis for a European Cybersecurity certification framework. 

The latter will include a series of programs designed to steadily increase confidence in ICT products, services, and processes certified under these programs while reducing costs within the Digital Single Market. The scheme was first published and put out for consultation on 1 July 2020, allowing certification stakeholders and inte…

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