Ethics in the Age of Ransomware: Challenges and Strategies for Negotiation


Recent years have witnessed the rise of ransomware, which has transitioned from mere breaches of sensitive data to sophisticated cyberattacks. In many of these cyberattacks, the target is an organization. The existence of cybercriminals has gone from a speck on the radar of digital security to being a widespread and very sophisticated type of crime. 
Businesses in every type of industry and size are trapped in a digital chess game where all of their moves are digitally tracked. Ransomware is one of the most popular types of malware that exploits essential and sensitive data, but unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the adversary to use nefarious techniques to compromise data and hold that data hostage for exorbitant reasons. 
Over the past year, Kurtis Minder, the CEO of GroupSense has had the privilege of experiencing this rise first-hand. Located in Arlington, GroupSense specializes in post-attack intelligence gathering and information gathering for security operations and law enforcement clients across the world thanks to its threat intelligence capabilities. 
According to Minder, a significant percentage of the company’s customer wins are based on incident response; he explained that this did not happen all the time, but that larger incident response organizations bring GroupSense into breach scenarios in order to provide additional analysis of specific threats that are being e

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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