Easy to Deceive, Difficult to Detect, Impersonation Dominates Attacks

Read the original article: Easy to Deceive, Difficult to Detect, Impersonation Dominates Attacks

Impersonation enables threat actors to manipulate victims into disclosing sensitive information as well as enhance their ability to commit fraud. An organization’s name, logo, or messaging can be incorporated into almost any threat type, making it an easy and versatile element of a cyber attack. Impersonation is an especially difficult technique to defend against because of its diverse range of use cases, and in order to protect themselves against attacks, organizations should learn to identify its range of malicious applications. 
In this article, we explore the variety of ways impersonation can be used to target a single entity. All examples originate from the same financial institution (FI). 


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Read the original article: Easy to Deceive, Difficult to Detect, Impersonation Dominates Attacks

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