Dragon Breath’s Latest Double-Clean-App Technique Targeting Gambling Industry

The Double-Clean-App Technique Explained

The Dragon Breath APT group is known for its sophisticated cyber-attacks on a wide range of industries, including the gambling industry. Recently, security researchers have uncovered the group’s latest technique: the use of the double-clean-app method to evade detection and infiltrate targeted networks. 
The double-clean-app technique involves the use of two different types of malware, both designed to evade detection by traditional antivirus software. The first piece of malware is a “clean” version that appears harmless to security systems. It is often disguised as a legitimate application or file, such as a PDF document or a Microsoft Office file. 
Once the clean malware is downloaded and executed, it then downloads a second, more malicious piece of malware.

“The attack is based on a classic side-loading attack, consisting of a clean application, a malicious loader, and an encrypted payload, with various modifications made to these components over time,” said Sophos researcher Gabor Szappanos. “The latest campaigns add a twist in which a first-stage clean application ‘side’-loads a second clean application and auto-executes it. The second clean application side-loads the malicious loader DLL. After that, the malicious loader DLL executes the final payload.”

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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