DOJ Reveals: FBI Hacked Hive Ransomware Gang

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recently confirmed that the FBI has infiltrated the activities of a popular cyber-crime gang, covertly disrupting their hacking attacks for more than six months. 

According to DOJ, FBI gained deep access to the Hive ransomware group in the late July 2022. The infiltration prevented them from blackmailing $130 million in emancipate bills from more than 300 organizations. 

The files of victims are encrypted by ransomware gangs using malicious software, locking them up and rendering them unavailable unless a ransom is paid to obtain a decryption key. 

It is being estimated that Hive and its affiliates have accumulated over $100 from more than 1,500 victims that included hospitals, school districts, financial companies and critical infrastructure, in more than 80 countries across the globe. 

The FBI revealed that it has collaborated with the local law enforcement agencies to help victims recover from the attack, including the UK’s National Crime Agency, which claims to have given around 50 UK organizations decryptor keys to overcome the breaches. 

On Thursday, the US announced that it had put an end to the operation by disabling Hive’s websites and communication systems with the aid of police forces in Germany and Netherlands. 

Attorney General Merrick Garland stated that “Last night, the Justice Department dismantled an international ransomware network responsible for extorting and attempting to exto

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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