DOD Officially Launches New Cyber Policy Office


The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defence for Cyber Policy has been formally constituted, the Pentagon announced in a statement last week.

Congress directed the Pentagon to set up the office, elevating cyber policy within the office of the Secretary of Defence, as mandated by the fiscal 2023 National Defence Authorization Act. 

There was some backlash when the department chose to take extra time to consider what would fall within the purview of that agency, including the potential inclusion of electronic warfare and information warfare, rather than establishing it in the timescale lawmakers had initially asked for. 

The release states that it was finally created on March 20. 

“In standing up this office, the Department is giving cyber the focus and attention that Congress intended,” Sasha Baker, acting undersecretary of defense for policy, noted in a statement.

According to the Pentagon, the assistant secretary will report to the undersecretary of defence for p

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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