December 2023 Web Server Survey

In the December 2023 survey we received responses from 1,088,057,023 sites across 269,268,434 domains and 12,355,610 web-facing computers. This reflects a loss of 4.1 million sites, an increase of 238,593 domains, and a loss of 128,028 web-facing computers.

nginx experienced the largest loss of 4.5 million sites (-1.79%) this month, and now accounts for 22.5% of sites seen by Netcraft. Microsoft suffered the next largest loss, down by 2.5 million sites (-9.65%).

OpenResty remains the largest growing vendor, gaining 3.3 million sites (+3.64%) and increasing its market share to 8.71%. Second to OpenResty is Google, which gained 1.5 million sites (+2.65%).

Vendor news

  • Apache Tomcat versions 9.0.83, 10.1.16, 11.0.0-M14, and 8.5.96 were released.
  • OpenResty version was released, patching a bug that made it vulnerable to HTTP/2 rapid reset attacks.
  • AWS held its annual re:Invent conference, with announcements including:
Total number of websites
Web server market sha
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