Cybersecurity Nightmare: A Bank’s Dilemma – To Pay or Risk It All


Schools, hospitals, and other institutions need to take more precautions to prevent cybercrimes from disrupting operations and putting people’s data and safety at risk. As part of a congressional hearing held on Wednesday in Washington, DC, a familiar face among the Navarro and Judson school districts testified about how this issue is affecting individual children. 
In the event of a major cyberattack taking place, the possibility of a bank’s failure is not too remote. The number of cyberattacks against financial institutions has risen significantly since 2006, and the number of attacks is expected to continue to rise shortly.  
As a result of the increasing risk of cyberattacks, and their potential impact on banks, financial institutions and the government are the top concerns when it comes to cyberattacks. Financial institutions are 300 times more likely to experience them than other institutions. 
As part of a joint hearing of two committees of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Gosch offered a rare view into how institutions faced with ransomware threats are coping with these increasingly common attacks.

As Gosch and Judson Independent encountered, a wide range of institutions are facing the same dilemma, not the least of which are banks as they have become disproportionately attractive targets for cybercriminals searching for ransomware.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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