Cybersecurity Considerations for Business Leaders Navigating COVID-19 Disruptions

Read the original article: Cybersecurity Considerations for Business Leaders Navigating COVID-19 Disruptions

Businesses around the world have responded to the evolving health and financial risk factors posed by coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19” or the “virus”) with significant workforce changes, including asking employees to work remotely to mitigate the risk of transmission in the workplace. Some companies facing more dire circumstances have taken actions including furloughing or laying off workers. 

Such changes not only pose challenges for businesses from a collaboration and continuity of operations standpoint, but they also involve cybersecurity risks that business leaders must carefully assess and mitigate. With headlines suggesting that COVID-19 will remain a top business challenge for some time, leaders should refocus attention on how they can proactively manage risk, including from a cybersecurity standpoint.

Read the original article: Cybersecurity Considerations for Business Leaders Navigating COVID-19 Disruptions