Creator of ‘Ready Player One’ Ventures into Launching Metaverse


Oscar Wilde once humorously remarked that life imitates art, a sentiment that Ernest Cline, the author of the 2011 virtual reality adventure novel “Ready Player One,” seems to be embodying quite literally. Teaming up with Dan Farah, the producer of the Spielberg-directed film adaptation, and Futureverse, an AI and metaverse company, the 51-year-old novelist has co-founded Readyverse Studios. 
This groundbreaking venture aims to establish The Readyverse, described as an unprecedented studio creating a destination in the metaverse for fans to immerse themselves in their favorite stories and intellectual properties.
The ambitious plan of Readyverse Studios involves launching The Readyverse, which is described as a “dynamic interactive platform of interconnected digital experiences.” These experiences will seamlessly integrate iconic franchises into an immersive AR/VR platform. 
The studio’s initial focus is on bringing the Ready Player One franchise into The Readyverse, and it has formed an exclusive partnership with Warner Bros. Discovery to extend the Ready Player One universe into the web3 metaverse. The press release hints at additional announcements of brands and franchises joining The Readyverse in the near future.
Readyverse Studios is not only concentrating on blending beloved franchises but also on laying the groundwork to mate

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