Common Cybersecurity Issues That Plague Small Businesses

Many small business managers are unaware of the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and weaknesses that exist inside their businesses. The good news is that there are several cyber security plan for small business that could neutralize these vulnerabilities. However, it is imperative you know the vital areas of cybersecurity weaknesses before you can take any action. Here are common cybersecurity vulnerabilities that plague small businesses. 

Lack of Quality Strategies 

Many businesses, particularly small ones, lack high-level strategies for their cybersecurity worries. Small businesses usually don’t have security infrastructures set up, either because they deem it a low priority or because they don’t have the funds to set it up. However, a quality strategy that serves as the basis for your general security approach is vital to mitigating cyber attacks. 

Unsecured Networks 

Without a secure network, nefarious parties can easily gain access to your company’s system. Once any outside individual infiltrates your network, they have access to every device or system under that network. This vital step is usually neglected by startup businesses. 

Outdated Systems 

Hardware manufacturers and software developers are regularly on the lookout for any flaw in their design that could pose a security threat to users. When they notice a vulnerability, they immediately issue a patch to eradicate that problem. However, you need to update the current software or hardware to benefit from this patch. If your business fails to regularly update its systems, it could be at risk of cyber attacks. 

Unknown Bugs 

Most times, a bug in an app could be accountable for giving cyber criminals an easy back entrance to your system. This is probably a feature of the software that was designed by a third party, or a vulnerability in the API that links together two distinct apps. It is almost impossible to detect or prevent all bugs. However, you can enhance your cybersecurity by proactively inspecting for bugs constantly. 

Unqualified Employees 

About 90% of data hacks are caused by employee mistakes. Unqualified employees are the biggest security vulnerability any company can face. You must train workers on the best cybersecurity practices. You also have to constantly retrain employees in case of any new advancements in cybersecurity. 

Numerous Connection Points and IoT 

Manu businesses take advantage of the Internet of Things, with numerous connection points on one network. While this increases efficiency and productivity, it also significantly increases the chances of a data breach. 

Unsecured Communication Mediums 

If your business constantly exchanges sensitive information, it is imperative to integrate secure communication mediums. If a cybercriminal could somehow gain access to this sensitive information being exchanged, they could pose a severe threat to your company’s privacy. You have to invest in more secure communication mediums. For instance, you can invest in a secure and encrypted email platform that allows you to communicate directly with your clients. 


There is no way to completely protect your company against every form of cyber attack or breach. However, even the most basic cybersecurity strategy can go a long way in preventing targeted cyber attacks. You can even turn to a cybersecurity agency outside your business to further strengthen your cybersecurity. 



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