Civicom Data Breach Disclosed 8TB of Files

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CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents


Civicom, a New York City-based company that provides audio, online videoconferencing, and market analysis services, has been discovered to be giving its customers access to a goldmine of personal and sensitive data. 
Civicom excels in virtual meetings over the internet, and the files contain audio and video recordings of private customer sessions. Unfortunately, the S3 bucket was left open to the public with no password or security verification, allowing everyone with knowledge on how to discover damaged databases to access the data.
“The greatest audio and web conferencing services on the world, webinar services, global marketing research services, top transcription/CRM entry provider, general transcription service and more online jury trials.” according to the company’s Homepage. 
It was caused by a misconfigured AWS S3 bucket, rather than attackers intentionally hacking into the system, as is usual of this type of data breach. There were four different datasets exposed as listed below:
  • Conferences on video.
  • Highlights that have been clipped. 
  • Recordings on audio.
  • Transcripts of Audio. 
Countless hours of video and audio recordings, as well as hundreds of written transcripts, reveal Civico

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