Category: welivesecurity

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET discovers watering hole attacks in the Middle East – Getting your life back on track after identity theft – How foreign influence operations have evolved The post Week in security with Tony…

FBI systems compromised to send out fake attack alerts

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Hackers break into the Bureau’s email systems to send out at least 100,000 emails warning recipients of imminent cyberattacks The post FBI systems compromised to send out fake attack alerts appeared first on…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Steps to take right after a data breach – What to consider before going passwordless – 7 million people hit by Robinhood data breach The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared…

Robinhood data breach affects 7 million people

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity An attacker gained access to some of Robinhood’s customer support systems and stole the personal data of around a third of the app’s userbase The post Robinhood data breach affects 7 million people…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity What’s it like working as a malware researcher? – ProtonMail and the battle for email privacy – Man charged with hacking, trying to extort US sports leagues The post Week in security with…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET discovers Wslink – Why secure-by-design is a must – Staying cybersecure this Halloween and beyond – Operation Dark HunTOR The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read…

5 tips for parents for a cybersecure Halloween

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity What are some of the key dangers faced by children online and how can you help protect them from the ghosts, ghouls and goblins creeping on the internet? The post 5 tips for…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity How to break into cybersecurity – Is your password easy to guess? – Shining a spotlight on the security risks of shadow IT The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first…

Cybersecurity careers: What to know and how to get started

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Want to help make technology safer for everyone? Love solving puzzles? Looking for a rewarding career? Break into cybersecurity! Insights from ESET researchers Aryeh Goretsky and Cameron Camp will put you on the…

A recipe for failure: Predictably poor passwords

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Security professionals advise to never use ‘beef stew’ as a password. It just isn’t stroganoff. The post A recipe for failure: Predictably poor passwords appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: A…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Phishing and how to avoid taking the bait – Offboarding employees securely – Why old malware refuses to die The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the…

Microsoft thwarts record‑breaking DDoS attack

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity The attack, which clocked in at 2.4 Tbps, targeted one of Azure customers based in Europe The post Microsoft thwarts record‑breaking DDoS attack appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Microsoft thwarts…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET research discovers ESPecter bootkit – FontOnLake targeting Linux – Fake SafeMoon app update The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Week in security…

FontOnLake: Previously unknown malware family targeting Linux

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET researchers discover a malware family with tools that show signs they’re used in targeted attacks The post FontOnLake: Previously unknown malware family targeting Linux appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article:…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity New ESET Threat Report is out – Cybersecurity Awareness Month begins today – What organizations should do to secure their VPNs The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity…

ESET Threat Report T2 2021

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity A view of the T2 2021 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts The post ESET Threat Report T2 2021 appeared first…

CISA and NSA release guidance for securing VPNs

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity What your organization should consider when it comes to choosing a VPN solution and hardening it against attacks The post CISA and NSA release guidance for securing VPNs appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET unmasks FamousSparrow APT group – Stopping cloud data leaks – European cybercrime ring busted The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Week in…

FamousSparrow: A suspicious hotel guest

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Yet another APT group that exploited the ProxyLogon vulnerability in March 2021 The post FamousSparrow: A suspicious hotel guest appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: FamousSparrow: A suspicious hotel guest

Bug in macOS Finder allows remote code execution

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity While Apple did issue a patch for the vulnerability, it seems that the fix can be easily circumvented The post Bug in macOS Finder allows remote code execution appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read…

Numando: Count once, code twice

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity The (probably) penultimate post in our occasional series demystifying Latin American banking trojans. The post Numando: Count once, code twice appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Numando: Count once, code twice

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Analysis of Numando banking trojan, steps to mitigate attack surface, and more! – Week in security with Tony Anscombe The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the…

What is a cyberattack surface and how can you reduce it?

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Discover the best ways to mitigate your organization’s attack surface, in order to maximize cybersecurity. The post What is a cyberattack surface and how can you reduce it? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read…

WhatsApp announces end‑to‑end encrypted backups

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity The Facebook-owned messaging service plans to roll out the feature to both iOS and Android users in the coming weeks. The post WhatsApp announces end‑to‑end encrypted backups appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Cyberespionnage against Kurdish ethnic group, and more! – Week in security with Tony Anscombe The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Week in security…

A parent’s guide to smartphone security

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Smartphones are kids’ trusty companions both in- and outside the classroom, and as they return to their desks, we’ve prepared some handy tips on how to keep their devices secure. The post A…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Vaccination passports – what you need to know. A guide to kids’ smartphone security. CISA lists single-factor authentication as bad practice. The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity…

Vaccine passports: Is your personal data in safe hands?

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Vaccination passports may facilitate the return to normalcy, but there are also concerns about what kinds of personal data they collect and how well they protect it. Here’s what you should know. The…

Don’t use single‑factor authentication, warns CISA

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity The federal agency urges organizations to ditch the bad practice and instead use multi-factor authentication methods The post Don’t use single‑factor authentication, warns CISA appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Don’t…

Flaw in the Quebec vaccine passport: analysis

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET’s cybersecurity expert Marc-Étienne Léveillé analyses in-depth the Quebec’s vaccine proof apps VaxiCode and VaxiCode Verif. The post Flaw in the Quebec vaccine passport: analysis appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article:…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET research discovers SideWalk backdoor – Why data breach costs have never been higher – 620,000 personal pictures stolen from iCloud accounts The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on…

The SideWalk may be as dangerous as the CROSSWALK

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Meet SparklingGoblin, a member of the Winnti family The post The SideWalk may be as dangerous as the CROSSWALK appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: The SideWalk may be as dangerous…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Who is actually paying the ransom demand? – Be careful about what you throw away – Records from a terrorist watchlist exposed online The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first…

Dumpster diving is a filthy business

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity One man’s trash is another man’s treasure – here’s why you should think twice about what you toss in the recycling bin The post Dumpster diving is a filthy business appeared first on…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity How IISpy spies on its victims and stays under the radar – IISerpent tampers with search engine results – How to avoid falling prey to ransomware The post Week in security with Tony…

IISerpent: Malware‑driven SEO fraud as a service

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity The last in our series on IIS threats introduces a malicious IIS extension used to manipulate page rankings for third-party websites The post IISerpent: Malware‑driven SEO fraud as a service appeared first on…

Deepfakes – the bot made me do it

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity As fraud involving highly believable synthetic media soars, what can you do to avoid getting scammed? The post Deepfakes – the bot made me do it appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original…

DEF CON 29: Satellite hacking 101

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity How peering into the innards of a future satellite can make cybersecurity in space more palatable The post DEF CON 29: Satellite hacking 101 appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: DEF…

Anatomy of native IIS malware

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET researchers publish a white paper putting IIS web server threats under the microscope The post Anatomy of native IIS malware appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article: Anatomy of native IIS…

Black Hat 2021: Wanted posters for ransomware slingers

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Is the net closing in on cyber-extortionists and can bounties on their collective heads ultimately help stem the ransomware scourge? The post Black Hat 2021: Wanted posters for ransomware slingers appeared first on…

Black Hat 2021: Lessons from a lawyer

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Why companies and their security teams need to engage with a lawyer before an incident occurs The post Black Hat 2021: Lessons from a lawyer appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Read the original article:…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity ESET research dissects IIS web server threats – How IIStealer steals credit card data – The flood of spam in your inbox The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on…

Is your personal information being abused?

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Drowning in spam? A study presented at Black Hat USA 2021 examines if sharing your personal information with major companies contributes to the deluge of nuisance emails, texts and phone calls. The post…

Black Hat 2021 – non‑virtual edition

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity How is Black Hat USA 2021 different from the past editions of the conference and what kinds of themes may steal the show this year? The post Black Hat 2021 – non‑virtual edition…

On course for a good hacking

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity A story of how easily hackers could hit a hole-in-one with the computer network of a premier golf club in the UK. The post On course for a good hacking appeared first on…

Watch out for these scams, targeting Amazon’s customers

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity Most people are fans of the convenience Amazon brings to online shopping, and that’s precisely what cybercriminals are betting on. The post Watch out for these scams, targeting Amazon’s customers appeared first on…

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity With vacations in full swing, cybercriminals will be looking to scam vacationers looking for that perfect accommodation. Learn to identify these scams. Most people are fans of the convenience provided by online shopping, but…

Booking your next holiday? Watch out for these Airbnb scams

This article has been indexed from WeLiveSecurity With vacations in full swing, cybercriminals will be looking to scam vacationers looking for that perfect accommodation. The post Booking your next holiday? Watch out for these Airbnb scams appeared first on WeLiveSecurity…