Category: RedPacket Security

Hotel Druid SQL injection | CVE-2023-43374

NAME__________Hotel Druid SQL injection Platforms Affected:HotelDruid HotelDruid 3.0.5 Risk Level:6.5 Exploitability:High Consequences:Data Manipulation DESCRIPTION__________ Hotel… This article has been indexed from RedPacket Security Read the original article: Hotel Druid SQL injection | CVE-2023-43374

CACTUS Ransomware Victim: www[.]dmcivil[.]com[.]au

NOTE: No files or stolen information are [exfiltrated/downloaded/taken/hosted/seen/reposted/disclosed] by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating… This article has been indexed from RedPacket Security Read the original article: CACTUS Ransomware Victim: www[.]dmcivil[.]com[.]au

Building on our history of cryptographic research

Our organisation has a long history of cryptographic research. As the UK national technical authority for cryptography, the… This article has been indexed from RedPacket Security Read the original article: Building on our history of cryptographic research

BianLian Ransomware Victim: Smartfren Telecom

NOTE: No files or stolen information are [exfiltrated/downloaded/taken/hosted/seen/reposted/disclosed] by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating… This article has been indexed from RedPacket Security Read the original article: BianLian Ransomware Victim: Smartfren Telecom

BianLian Ransomware Victim: Road Safety

NOTE: No files or stolen information are [exfiltrated/downloaded/taken/hosted/seen/reposted/disclosed] by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating… This article has been indexed from RedPacket Security Read the original article: BianLian Ransomware Victim: Road Safety