Category: McAfee Blogs

Privacy in Practice: Securing Your Data in 2021 and Beyond

Read the original article: Privacy in Practice: Securing Your Data in 2021 and Beyond Privacy in Practice: Securing Your Data in 2021 and Beyond Technological advancements continually emerge that make our lives easier. Right? As beneficial and convenient as emerging…

Why MITRE ATT&CK Matters?

Read the original article: Why MITRE ATT&CK Matters? MITRE ATT&CK enterprise is a “knowledge base of adversarial techniques”.   In a Security Operations Center (SOC) this resource is serving as a progressive framework for practitioners to make sense of the behaviors…

How McAfee’s Inclusive Maternity Benefits Helped Me Thrive as a New Mom

Read the original article: How McAfee’s Inclusive Maternity Benefits Helped Me Thrive as a New Mom By: Smriti, People Partner McAfee continues to recognize and celebrate hardworking mothers across our global workforce. We continue to advance in our workplace culture by offering policies and programs to better serve…

Shiva’s Tragic Accident Turns into a Story of Resilience

Read the original article: Shiva’s Tragic Accident Turns into a Story of Resilience My McAfee Chronicles is a series featuring McAfee team members who have interesting and inspiring life stories to share. Meet Shiva, a Software Development Engineer in Bangalore, India.  When…

McAfee ATR Thinks in Graphs

Read the original article: McAfee ATR Thinks in Graphs 0. Introduction John Lambert, a distinguished researcher specializing in threat intelligence at Microsoft, once said these words that changed perspectives: “Defenders think in lists. Attackers think in graphs.” This is true…

The Fastest Route to SASE

Read the original article: The Fastest Route to SASE Shortcuts aren’t always the fastest or safest route from Point A to Point B. Providing faster “direct to cloud” access for your users to critical applications and cloud services can certainly…

Let’s Commit To Protect Our Privacy This Year

Read the original article: Let’s Commit To Protect Our Privacy This Year Let’s Commit To Protect Our Privacy This Year How our new identity & privacy app can help By this point in the year you may have already broken some of your New Year’s resolutions,…

Who loves tax season besides accountants? Hackers

Read the original article: Who loves tax season besides accountants? Hackers Who loves tax season besides accountants? Hackers  It’s tax time in the United States, and even if you’re pretty sure you did everything right, you’re worried. Did I file…

Don’t Let Tax Fraud Ruin Your IRS Refund

Read the original article: Don’t Let Tax Fraud Ruin Your IRS Refund Don’t Let Tax Fraud Ruin Your IRS Refund Here’s how to lock down your data this tax season Tax season is always a high time for scams that…

Hacking Proprietary Protocols with Sharks and Pandas

Read the original article: Hacking Proprietary Protocols with Sharks and Pandas The human race commonly fears what it doesn’t understand.  In a time of war, this fear is even greater if one side understands a weapon or technology that the…

Supporting the Women Hit Hardest by the Pandemic

Read the original article: Supporting the Women Hit Hardest by the Pandemic Supporting the Women Hit Hardest by the Pandemic Only 57% of women in the U.S. are working or looking for work right now—the lowest rate since 1988. That…

SOC Health Check: Prescribing XDR for Enterprises

Read the original article: SOC Health Check: Prescribing XDR for Enterprises It is near-certain the need for security across the enterprise will never cease – only increase if year-over-year trends are any indication. We constantly see headlines with repetitive buzzwords and phrases calling…

Babuk Ransomware

Read the original article: Babuk Ransomware Executive Summary Babuk ransomware is a new ransomware threat discovered in 2021 that has impacted at least five big enterprises, with one already paying the criminals $85,000 after negotiations. As with other variants, this…

Domain Age as an Internet Filter Criteria

Read the original article: Domain Age as an Internet Filter Criteria Use of “domain age” is a feature being promoted by various firewall and web security vendors as a method to protect users and systems from accessing malicious internet destinations.…

How 2020 Has Shaped The Way We Live Our Lives

Read the original article: How 2020 Has Shaped The Way We Live Our Lives How 2020 Has Shaped The Way We Live Our Lives I’ve had such a busy morning! I’ve hunted down my favourite foundation, bought a puzzle mat,…