Category: Facecrooks

Afghans Targeted By Facebook Visa And Immigration Scams

The post Afghans Targeted By Facebook Visa And Immigration Scams appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook scammers often seek to capitalize on crises around the world by either soliciting sympathy or taking advantage of victims. The latter is the case in…

Afghans Targeted By Facebook Visa And Immigration Scams

The post Afghans Targeted By Facebook Visa And Immigration Scams appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook scammers often seek to capitalize on crises around the world by either soliciting sympathy or taking advantage of victims. The latter is the case in…

Orchestrated Bot Attack Harvests Facebook User Data

The post Orchestrated Bot Attack Harvests Facebook User Data appeared first on Facecrooks. It’s always important to be careful what links you click on Facebook because you never know how they could be used to collect your data. A great…

Orchestrated Bot Attack Harvests Facebook User Data

The post Orchestrated Bot Attack Harvests Facebook User Data appeared first on Facecrooks. It’s always important to be careful what links you click on Facebook because you never know how they could be used to collect your data. A great…

Facebook Reverses Ban On Holocaust-Themed Movie

The post Facebook Reverses Ban On Holocaust-Themed Movie appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook often finds itself in hot water over its content moderation decisions — whether it acts too aggressively or not aggressively enough. This week, the social media giant…

US Lawmakers Press Facebook On Crypto Scam Policies

The post US Lawmakers Press Facebook On Crypto Scam Policies appeared first on Facecrooks. Because of their size and reach, many Meta-owned platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are often used by financial scammers. The nature of these scams has…

Facebook Removes Pro-U.S. Disinformation Campaign

The post Facebook Removes Pro-U.S. Disinformation Campaign appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook is no stranger to detecting and removing misinformation and other harmful content originating in foreign countries. However, according to a report this week, the company has also cracked…

Strange Facebook Bug Spams Users With Celebrity Posts

The post Strange Facebook Bug Spams Users With Celebrity Posts appeared first on Facecrooks. It’s not unusual for Facebook to experience brief global outages. However, a strange bug exploded on the platform this week that caused posts from celebrity accounts…

New Malware Threat Hacks Facebook Business Accounts

The post New Malware Threat Hacks Facebook Business Accounts appeared first on Facecrooks. According to a team of security researchers, there is an ongoing cybercriminal campaign to target marketing and HR professionals with malware in order to hijack their Facebook…

Report: Facebook Is Deprioritizing Election Misinformation

The post Report: Facebook Is Deprioritizing Election Misinformation appeared first on Facecrooks. Following the U.S. presidential election in 2016, Facebook came under heavy criticism for its handling of misinformation and foreign interference. Afterward, the company pledged to keep a closer…

Facebook Agrees To End Allegedly Discriminatory Ad Practices

The post Facebook Agrees To End Allegedly Discriminatory Ad Practices appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook’s advertising practices have quietly been under fire from the federal government for several years after allegations arose that the system could be used to discriminate…

Apple Attacks Facebook Over Privacy Practices In New Ad

This article has been indexed from Facecrooks The post Apple Attacks Facebook Over Privacy Practices In New Ad appeared first on Facecrooks. The ongoing privacy feud between Apple and Facebook escalated yet again last week when Apple introduced a bold…

Facebook Algorithm Reveals A Lot Of Spam In Top Shared Links

This article has been indexed from Facecrooks The post Facebook Algorithm Reveals A Lot Of Spam In Top Shared Links appeared first on Facecrooks. Last week, Facebook parent company Meta released its quarterly “widely-viewed content report” that details the most-viewed…