Build a Web3 Ticketing System and Disrupt Online Ticketing

A popular and practical use case for web3 is generating tickets to live events. Blockchains such as Ethereum can guarantee the ownership, originator, and authenticity of a digital item, effectively solving the problem of counterfeit tickets. While major players such as Ticketmaster struggle to mitigate scalpers (trying desperately to control who can resell tickets, where, and for how much) and ticket fraud—web3 already has a solution. The ticketing industry is ripe for disruption.

In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to create such a ticketing solution using ConsenSys Truffle, Infura, and the Infura API. We’ll deploy a smart contract that acts as a ticketing service and creates tickets as ERC-20/ERC-721 digital tokens. We’ll also walk through a few architectures of potential frontends that could interface with the contract, and together function as an integrated, full-stack, web3 ticketing system.

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone

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