BrandPost: The State of Healthcare Cybersecurity During Covid-19

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The pandemic has been the ultimate teacher in crisis management, forcing the industry to adjust to rapid change. Healthcare has been under pressure like never before to perform while also prioritizing cybersecurity in a time of constant flux. While the dust has settled slightly, more uncertainty and change is coming around the corner, from potential spikes in cases, to HIPAA policy changes. Experts recommend getting ahead of the curve and taking another look at security procedures and implementation.

Re-evaluate Telehealth Security Risks at the Dust Settles

Faced with no other options, Covid-19 forced healthcare organizations to think differently about how they operate and forced them to chart unknown territory quickly. This quick response meant that organizations weren’t left with much time to vet new software vendors thoroughly. Additionally, new relaxed policies allowed for more discretion to keep the industry moving.  

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Read the original article: BrandPost: The State of Healthcare Cybersecurity During Covid-19