BrandPost: The Evolution of Cybercrime as a Service

This article has been indexed from CSO Online

The Evolution of Cybercrime as a Service

You’ve likely heard of software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and numerous other “as-a-service” platforms that help support the modern business world. What you may not realize is that cybercriminals often use the same business concepts and service models in their own organizations as regular, non-criminal enterprises. While this may have started several years ago, the tactic has continued to grow with today’s criminals taking advantage of easy-to-access solutions.

Cybercrime as a service follows the same path as most as-a-service business offerings. Talented criminals who’ve written successful malicious code have begun renting access to their own cybercrime “solutions” to lower-level criminals who either don’t have the resources or know-how to design, write, and execute cyberattacks on their own. Criminals provide the service for a cut – and that cut is growing, with some criminals receiving 10% to 20% of any profits made in an attack that uses their code.

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