BrandPost: Healthcare Modernization? More Like Building the Plane While Flying It

This article has been indexed from CSO Online

Anyone who works in business is likely familiar with the phrase, “Building the plane as you’re flying it.” And after the craziness of these past 18 months, I’m sure most of us are now intimately familiar with that expression.  

From disrupting traditional working norms to accelerating two years of digital transformation in two months, it’s not beyond reason to say that no person or industry was left untouched by the pandemic. 

We’ve become pilots and engineers overnight.   

And while the pandemic forced this “adapt or die” mentality on every industry, few were as deeply affected as healthcare. Not only were healthcare entities building the plane while flying it, but they were also changing flight patterns, using different airports, and training new staff in the air. Healthcare companies figured out how to enable a remote workforce, give virtual care, and begin developing a vaccine, all within the span of weeks. 

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Read the original article: BrandPost: Healthcare Modernization? More Like Building the Plane While Flying It