BrandPost: Cybercriminals Are Exploiting the Rapid Change to Our Digital World

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Significant social events are usually a catalyst for new threats to emerge – there are always malicious people looking to exploit others during times of crisis. The current COVID-19 telework situation is no different.

Cybercriminals understand that times of rapid transition can cause serious disruptions for organizations. In the rush to make sure that workforces remain productive and ensure business continuity, things like security protocols may get overlooked, and criminals are looking to take advantage of any inadvertent security gaps.

Now, an unprecedented number of unprotected users and devices are now all online at the same time. In any home, right now, there are likely one or two people connecting remotely to work through the home internet connection. There may also be kids at home engaged in remote learning part of the time and connected to their friends the rest. And the entire family is engaged in multi-player games, talking with their friends in online chat rooms and over social media, as well as streaming music and video. 

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Read the original article: BrandPost: Cybercriminals Are Exploiting the Rapid Change to Our Digital World