BrandPost: 5 Tips to Help Security Teams Work Smarter, Not Harder

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A career in cybersecurity can be extremely rewarding. It also comes with challenges, including last-minute fire drills, understaffed teams, and overworked employees — all while protecting the company’s most valuable assets: its intellectual property, employee, and customer data.

Making matters worse, security budgets have not kept pace with the rising threat level brought on by COVID-19. Gartner predicts cybersecurity leaders should expect budget decreases over the next year. This means hiring additional headcount to support cybersecurity teams is no longer a feasible option – but putting more people on a problem is rarely, if ever, the solution. CIISec also found that when security teams are stretched during busy periods, 64% said their businesses simply ‘hope to cope’ with fewer resources, while 51% would let routine or non-critical tasks slip.

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Read the original article: BrandPost: 5 Tips to Help Security Teams Work Smarter, Not Harder