Beware of New Phishing Campaign Targeting Facebook Users

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Facebook users need to remain vigilant after researchers at Abnormal Security uncovered the new phishing campaign designed to steal passwords from admin that run company Facebook pages. The scam begins with a victim being sent a phishing email claiming to be from ‘The Facebook Team’. 

The email warns that the user’s account might be disabled or the page might be removed over repeatedly posting content that infringes on someone else’s rights. 

Once scaring a victim into thinking their Facebook profile could soon be taken down, the victim is invited to appeal the report by clicking on a link that the security researchers said goes to a Facebook post – and within this post, there’s another link that directs users to a separate website. To file an ‘appeal’, a Facebook user is told to enter sensitive information including their name, email address, and Facebook password. 

All this information is sent to the threat actor, who can exploit it to log in to the victim’s Facebook page, gather sensitive details from their ac

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