Ban the Scan – Is Facial Recognition a Risk to Civil Liberties?


There are numerous voices around the world opposing the use of facial recognition technology. Many people believe facial recognition poses a severe threat to individual privacy, free speech, racial inequality, and data security. People who oppose it have solid grounds for doing so, and they have strong reservations of employing this technology in any form, citing its extremely high false positive rate and its implications for civil and personal liberties, specifically individual privacy.

Critics argue that facial recognition is biassed towards people of color, women, and children. Surveillance cameras are more common in places where immigrants live, which adds fuel to the flames. The explanation is the greater crime rate in those areas. Facial technology has not matured sufficiently, and its usage under such an environment worsens an already complex situation. The flaws in the justice system will expand as a result of the technology’s inefficiency, contributing to harsher sentences and higher bails for those affected. 

Forced deployment

Despite its flaws, facial recognition technologies are used by police and other law enforcement agencies

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