August 2022 Web Server Survey

In the August 2022 survey we received responses from 1,135,075,578 sites across 271,740,771 unique domains
and 12,365,527 web-facing computers. This reflects a loss of 4.4 million sites, but a gain of 12,212 domains and
24,355 computers.

OpenResty saw the most significant change in web-facing computers, with a gain of 10,138 (6.1%). Furthermore, 2.8
million (3.1%) extra sites were seen since July, with a small loss of 466,322 domains (1.2%). This continues the trend
of OpenResty’s fast growth in web-facing computers (46% since August 2021) while the number of domains and sites has not
grown in tandem, remaining roughly static over the period.

nginx continues to be the most commonly used web server and saw modest gains of 25,053 domains (0.03%) and 13,481
computers (0.3%). However, we experienced a significant reduction in the number of nginx-hosted sites responding to
our requests this month, with a loss of over 15 million. This represents around 4% of sites hosted using nginx in July.

Continuing the trend of strong growth over the past two months, Cloudflare gained an additional 4.4 million sites
(6%) and 1.1 million domains (4.7%). This gives Cloudflare a total market share of 6.8% of sites and 9% of domains, an
increase of 0.4pp on both metrics since July. Cloudflare also had the strongest growth amongst the top million busiest
sites, gaining 0.25pp, thereby holding a 20.51% market share.

Apache’s position as the most commonly used web server for the top million busiest sites continues to erode, with a loss of
0.19pp this month. nginx continues to gain market share, up 0.07pp. If this trend continues, nginx will overtake Apache
in the short term, and in the long term, Cloudflare will overtake both of its rivals.

Vendor news

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August 2022 Web Server Survey