Apple patches macOS zero-day exploited by malware for months (CVE-2021-30657)

Read the original article: Apple patches macOS zero-day exploited by malware for months (CVE-2021-30657)

Apple has patched a critical macOS zero-day (CVE-2021-30657) that has been exploited by Shlayer malware for months and has finally introduced/enabled the App Tracking Transparency feature and policy in iOS, iPadOS and tvOS. A zero-day exploited by malware peddlers (CVE-2021-30657) Discovered by security researcher Cedric Owens and privately reported to Apple in March 2021, CVE-2021-30657 is a logic issue that allowed attackers to craft a macOS payload that is not checked by Gatekeeper, the

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Read the original article: Apple patches macOS zero-day exploited by malware for months (CVE-2021-30657)