Apple Alerts iPhone Users of ‘Mercenary Attack’ Threat


Apple issued security alerts to individuals in 92 nations on Wednesday, cautioning them that their iPhones had been targeted in a remote spyware attack linked to mercenaries.
The company sent out threat notification emails, informing recipients, “Apple has detected that you are being targeted by a mercenary spyware attack,” suggesting that the attack might be aimed at specific individuals based on their identity or activities. 
These types of attacks, termed as “mercenary attacks,” are distinct due to their rarity and sophistication, involving substantial financial resources and focusing on a select group of targets. Apple emphasized that this targeting is ongoing and widespread.
The notification warned recipients that if their device falls victim to such an attack, the attacker could potentially access sensitive data, communications, or even control the camera and microphone remotely.
While it was reported that India was among the affected countries, it remained uncertain whether iPhone users in the US were also targeted. Apple refrained from providing further comments beyond the details shared in the notification email.
In response to the threat, Apple advised recipients to seek expert assistance, such as the Digital Security Helpline provided by the nonprofit Access N

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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