And Ransomware Just Got a Bit Meaner (yes… it is possible), (Thu, May 20th)

This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green

Ransomware has been evolving, and each evolution appears to be a bit “meaner” than the first. Early ransomware targeted consumers. Encrypting baby pictures, or tax records, motivated users to pay in some cases a few hundred dollars to get their data back. The attacker went for easy targets and with that for easy money. But as most people dealing with consumers can attest to: Customer support is hard! Many consumers do not know how to use crypto currencies. Even the relatively straightforward Bitcoin payment can be too difficult. And forget about currencies like Monero that are often not traded on mainstream exchanges.

Read the original article: And Ransomware Just Got a Bit Meaner (yes… it is possible), (Thu, May 20th)